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ESPHome firmware for the Home Air Kwality Sensor
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CSR configuration for the ReaperLegion internal CA
Certificate notes: https://PigLab.ReaperLegion.net/reaperlegion/certificates/reaperlegion/-/wikis/home
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Home Automation / Home Assistant / mqtt4hass
The UnlicenseModular MQTT sensor for Home Assistant gateway
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ESPHome firmware for Sonoff devices
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ESPHome firmware for Athom devices
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CAD / Z-Wave PoE Dongle
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseUpdated -
Calculate the Air Quality Index (AQI) for ESPHome sensors
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Air quality sensor for when you are sparing every expense
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Script to fade lights in/out for lights that don't support the transition attribute.
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Climate module to run Pioneer heat pump / mini splits using the RS485 protocol (sometimes called "XYE")
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Automotive / GMT800 / CJ2 to CJ3
MIT LicenseConvert GMT800 RPO CJ2 dual-zone automatic climate control system to use CJ3 manual controls.
Because REASONS!